Company values are important because they define how you do your business, and all employees are expected to share them. Nevertheless, employees also have their personal values that are not always taken into consideration by the company. Sometimes, when corporate and personal values are out of alignment, it can damage productivity, work relationships, and decrease a company’s potential.

For example, does meeting a project deadline take priority over delivering exceptional work? Does personal success win over teamwork? Growth over stability, new approaches over familiar methods? Fun over financial stability?

In order to prevent such conflicts, it’s worth discussing employees’ personal values with your team. We, at JobGo, recently did it and found it quite easy and useful, so we would like to share our experience. We decided to use a simple tool for defining our personal values. There are a lot of options, also free ones, on the internet. We chose Each of us (including the board and management) chose his/her values from the list, and then went through a short questionnaire to prioritize them.

After that, we processed the results and found out what values are common for the JobGo team. The most popular ones were trust, competence and growth (you can see all of them in the illustration). We talked over the meaning of all chosen values and how they correlate with our company’s values. It helped us to understand better our motivation, method of operating and goals. It also allows us to identify the best cultural fit in new team members coming to JobGo! 

We believe that such research is worth doing, as it shows a clearer picture of your team’s beliefs and aspirations. This insight helps your company improve its procedures and operations, and eventually achieve better results.